Patrick Mulligan

A Changed Life

Music has always been a part of my life—a gift that I first used as a singer in a church choir until my early teens. Yet, when I was around 12 or 13 years old, I learned that the religious doctrine that I was brought up on was, for the most part, false. This broke my faith and I left the church.

As the pendulum swings, so did my spirit and I became an outlaw and ran with different gangs.  I used my gift of music for sex, drugs and rock and roll.

After a couple of stints in lockup, and a big gaping hole in my life, 

I decided to leave my outlaw ways behind.  Something had changed and I knew that God was real.

It was during this time of spiritual growth that I met Judy.  We both knew that our meeting was a God thing.  We also knew that we wanted our children to grow up with the knowledge of God.

Not long after, I fell again—back into lawlessness. One night, while in my deepest despair, the Lord sent me the Spirit of peace and an epiphany.  Once I surrendered my will to God, doors began to open and my life changed again.  The first was my wife volunteering me to play guitar for the church she was attending. I saw how the teachings of this church changed her life and the lives of our children. I started to investigate and it could not have been a better fit. The second was through the teaching of this church’s doctrine. My eyes were opened to the free gift of grace offered by God through His Son, Jesus. The key I discovered to unlocking this grace was forgiveness.

I am forgiven! So I picked up my cross and I follow Him. After my restoration, I wanted only to use my musical gifts to honor my God and to give Him glory.

It has taken oven ten years and many people to complete this project. I believe that everyone who has been part of this project was led by the Spirit and shaped to fit. 

Down These Streets is dedicated to my father-in-law, Chuck Munstein.

Judy Mulligan

A road down these streets

The making of this CD was a labor of love for many of us.  For many years I have prayed for the Lord to order my steps, but it has not always been that way.  Since I was a child I have been curious about God, but for a long period of time I did not think He wanted anything to do with me; my sins were too great.  I have since come to understand that, yes, my sins are too great...too great for ME, but not for Him.  I wanted my children to learn about God early, so Pat and I sent them to Pilgrim Lutheran Church and School.  Doors began to open for me.  I became more curious about church and I started attending. The music touched my heart and the Lord used it to draw me in.  I learned that the choir needed a guitarist and a singer so, of course, I volunteered Pat.  Shortly thereafter I began singing again (which was a gift in itself) and teaching at the school. This led me to return to college where I earned my BA in Education and Certificate in Religious Ministries.  

After Pat became the worship leader, he would have me sing solos every couple of months and my father would attend.  My father, Chuck, loved listening to me sing.  He attended one soup supper ( I made my bubbie's matzo ball soup) and service where our guest speaker was a gentleman from Jews for Jesus.  My dad became curious and started conversing with the speaker and at the young age of 87, he was baptized.  It was his hope that Pat and Mat do something with the gifts God has given them. These gifts are being shared through this CD, and it is my hope that the music enclosed touches hearts and provides hope, knowing that as Jesus loves even me, He loves you too.

Mathew Mulligan

Born and Raised

Being born, raised, and still living in Santa Monica, CA seems to be a rarity these days—consistency is something we seek but often eludes us. I am married to the same woman I have been with since I was 15 years old. Though we have made many mistakes, and I have much more for which to be sorry, we will continue this life together until death.

I can claim that I grew up Christian, but actually knowing Christ and having a good relationship with Him would seem inaccurate. I attended a Christian school, Pilgrim Lutheran Elementary, until I was 13. I moved on to Santa Monica High School and then Community College. It wasn’t until my 20s, during my enlistment in the Marine Corps Reserves and my transfer to Biola University, that I gave up my heart to God and started to truly seek after Him. I accepted my brokenness and now have the Spirit within me, making me new.