We are shaped to fit

What we are about

We grew up with music in our blood. Learning songs by ear on the radio, my dad would pick up his guitar and play the tune. In similar fashion I remember listening and watching my father play, and I would try to replicate it. We each have our own style, but we love the soul of a voice and an acoustic guitar to carry it. 

God designed us for a purpose, and while we are still working out the details of what He intends for us to do, we share our passion and gifts--our hearts--with you. We pray that the music God has gifted us with is a blessing to you who hear it. We pray that it inspires you as we have been inspired by God's many creations.

We are shaped to fit God's master plan, and we pray that you will find that you fit as well.

You are Shaped to Fit

What you are about

Just as we have our story about what God has done to us and through us, you have one just as unique and purposeful. God works all things for good for those who believe in Him.

So ask yourself this, do I believe that I am designed by a loving God who wants nothing but good for me; shaped to seek after Him and display His glory? Or am I a matter of chance and circumstance; neither created nor designed with purpose but only to live on as others have and will do, and end just the same. Seek the truth...you will find that you were shaped to fit.

- Patrick and Mathew Mulligan

Enjoy our first album






Album Artwork - Photo by Deva Darshan from Pexels - Edited By derek Lipman
Smartphone/headphone Photo by cottonbro from Pexels

support us towards shaping more albums

This album has been a work in progress for years as it has navigated its way through the hands of many. We are happy where it has come, but we know it can be better. Every purchase helps us to reimburse what we have spent to make it this far, to improve it in the near future, as well as in recording future songs! We are also accepting donations; help us to get this music out there and encourage the lives of others!

Thank you for listening!